The Flextory API allows you to query and manipulate items via simple url calls. The API can be used to integrate the data you have in Flextory with other applications and scripts. Some examples of how the Flextory API could be useful are as follows:
Your use of the Flextory API is limited by the plan in which you are subscribed to and the terms listed in the Service Agreement. Excessive or abusive usage of the Flextory API may result in warnings and or suspension of your account. If you have concerns about your particular use of the API, please contact
You'll first have to build a query string. For example, the following query string finds all items that have the Item Type, 'Desktop':
You then have to use the HMAC method on your query string to generate your public key for this request. In PHP, you would do the following:
$publicKey = hash_hmac('sha512', 'userName=api&search=true&itemType=Desktop', '[Private Key Here]');
You then need to add your public key to the end of your query string like so:
Finally, you can put the entire url together like so:$publicKey
Make use of https: instead of http: to use a secure connection if your language supports it. Consult your language's documentation on how to configure and use https.
The server will then return a JSON object. If the 'success' variable is true, then the query was successful. An example response can be seen below.
{ "items": [ { "assetType": "Desktop", "attributes": { "OS": "Windows", "IP": "", "End User": "Fred", }, "barcode": "4334433434", "dateAdded": "2012-03-09 10:28:29", "dateModified": "2012-03-09 10:28:29", "id": 29, "name": "Glados" }, { "assetType": "Desktop", "attributes": { "OS": "Linux", "IP": "", "End User": "Chris", }, "barcode": "34453344", "dateAdded": "2012-03-09 10:29:27", "dateModified": "2012-03-09 10:29:27", "id": 34, "name": "Pixie" } ], "success": "true" }
Operation | Description | Example |
id | Retrieve an item by its id. | id=23 |
barcode | Retrieve an item by its barcode. | barcode=AB293F3 |
search | Perform a search of all items in your inventory | search=true |
category | Search for items in a particular category id | search=true&category=23 |
attributeValues[] | Search for items that have particular attribute values. * can be used as a wildcard. | search=true&attributeValues[]=value1&attributeValues[]=value2 |
attributePairValues | Search for attribute/value pairs. Must be used with attributePairTitles. * can be used as a wildcard. | search=true&attributePairValues[]=val1&attributePairTitles[]=title1&attributePairValues[]=val2&attributePairTitles[]=title2 |
name | Search for items with a particular name. * can be used as a wildcard. | search=true&name=someName |
offset | Retrieve items past a certain offset for pagination type activities. | search=true&attributeValues[]=red&offset=10 |
itemsWanted | Limit the amount of returned results. | search=true&attributeValues[]=red&itemsWanted=5 |
Operation | Description | Example |
editItem | Contains the id of the item you wish to edit | editItem=42 |
newItem | Use when you want to make a new item | newItem=true |
attributeTitles[] | titles of attributes you wish to modify or add. Must combine with attributeValues! | attributeTitles[]=Color&attributeValues[]=Red&attributeTitles[]=Shape&attributeValues[]=Square |
name | name for item | name=Pancakes |
barcode | barcode for item | barcode=abc123 |
category | category id for item | category=23 |
links[] | array of item ids to link to this item | links[]=23&links[]=53&links[]=42 |
itemType | Item Type Id for item | itemType=11 |
deleteAttributes[] | Titles of attributes you wish to remove from the item | deleteAttributes[]=Color&deleteAttributes[]=Shape |