While not first place, this is still really big. The Burrill Business Plan Competition had its largest turn-out ever with 42 teams and 82 undergraduate and graduate students. Despite so many people, Flextory still took 4th place! Flextory will now be taking a long-needed break from competitions, but development of Flextory and the business around it will continue to grow until we take over the world! Well, probably not the world, but at the very least we’ll take over the world of inventory for individuals and small to medium size businesses. Check out some of the links below for more information on the competition, as well as some of the articles Flextory has been mentioned in.
- G. Steven Burrill Business Plan Competition Official Site
- Video of all the Finalist’s presentations (including Flextory’s presentation)
- Wisconsin State Journal Article for the Burrill Business Plan Competition

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